Wednesday, October 24, 2012

iPad Mini commercial

This commercial just circles back to the previous post talking about how Apple is now starting to compete with other smaller tablets in the market. The new iPad mini was just released to the market today and is showing to be an innovative product that many within the industry are going to need to deal with for many years to come. This product is clearly smaller than the original iPad because it is in the commercial.  This product meets the needs of all the people that are interested in products that are more efficient. This product is also cheaper than the original iPad pricing itself around $399, the regular is far more than that. I have an iPad and I do not use it for many things, so getting an iPad mini would be very beneficial to me because it is simple and would be something that I could use quickly. All in all the success of this product will without a doubt be very strong, the product is all something we are very interested in as well.

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