Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Compact Disk turns 30!

Whether it is for music a DVD or any other product the CD has been a major factor in the lives of many people throughout the world. This product has been around for 30 years, this is truly amazing considering CD's are constantly used in this day and age. When thinking about products that have been around for a while there is always a newer and improved item that comes out and replaces the original. Disruptive Technology has not influenced a change or the decline in a product such as the CD. An example would be CD's themselves, they were a new source of disruptive technology that replaced the cassette tapes. Like most items the CD did not completely overtake the cassette tapes right away, it took some time like most new technology does.

The CD will always be an important part of technological history, just the fact that a product such as the CD could make it in the industry for this long just shows its importance. "The compact disc changed technology, and went on to be used for data and video storage, evolving into re-writeable media and Blu-Ray DVDs." The CD truly opened up the doors for other uses that continue to make it a commonly used product in this current day and age. The CD had several improvements and advantages compared to the products that they replaced. The CD was able to hold more space than the cassette tape. In this current time, digital files are slowly overtaking CD's which is taking away from CD sales. Websites such as Pandora are also taking away from CD sales, Pandora allows listeners to listen to music anywhere they want as well as whatever they want to listen to as well.

I find it incredible that the CD has been around for 30 years, it seems to me as a innovative product that has been around for a while. I do not use CD's really that much at all anymore, if anything I burn music on a CD and throw it in my car just to have something to listen to. But I really am surprised with all the iPods, and other MP3's that are around that CD's are actually frequently used all over.

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