Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Analyst Predicts 10M iPhone 5 Sales During First Week

What!!! Wow 10M in the first week of sales is something that is quite unbelievable. Apple like I talked about before, is an amazing company that truly is the perfect example of what other companies what to be. But 10M in sales in one week!!? Is that really necessary? Its almost stunning how much money they will make off of this elite product. Being able to get 10M on any product in one week is insane but it is just a walk in the park for Apple. "Analysts have been predicting that the iPhone 5 could be one of Apple's biggest product launches of all time." Seeing that really shows a lot about Apple as a whole. Accomplishing such a feat is something that is quite remarkable and it really shows the rest of the world how a company should run their business.

As an Accountant, I cannot help to think about the amount of revenue Apple will make in the first couple of months off of their new and improved products. The amount might be through the roof but it is still something that is remarkable. Yes costs might be high but the ability to have 10M sales of a product that is known not to be cheap is something only Apple can pull off. Can anyone really think of another store where people camp out to make sure they get the newest and coolest product? Black Friday does not count mostly because its getting amazing top of the line sales. These people are waiting for days just to spend the $500+ to get the item they want. "Each new iPhone model has logged stronger first weekend unit sales than the last. The iPhone 4S, for example, sold more than 4 million units in its first three days on the market, while the iPhone 4 sold 1.7 million, and the iPhone 3GS sold more than one million." This information is amazing, they constantly improve the amount of sales after they release the newest and improved item. Apple should not even advertise or have a marketing department. Everyone knows what they sell and they know people will buy it. 

Apple Strikes Again.,2817,2409305,00.asp

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