Monday, September 17, 2012

Despite a Slowdown, Smartphone Advances Are Still Ahead

In recent months the newer and cooler technology stemming from the newest and coolest smartphones have slowed down in recent months. According to an article by the New York Times, advances in smartphones are going to progress. When looking at the current technology there has not been major innovative ideas, mostly improvements to a already created idea. The article points out that when the first Apple iPhone was released to the market, people were stunned that a device you could carry in your pocket could do such a thing. With the recent release of the iPhone 5, the industry has mostly slowed down. There has not been any major leaps or major improvements made to any device. "Faster chips, bigger screens and speedier wireless Internet connections are among the refinements smartphone users can count on year after year in new models, most of them in familiar rectangular packages" (New York Times). Like the article mentioned there has not been any catastrophic differences between models but they have tried to make corrections their products. To me, when the first iPhone came out I was extremely shocked at the device, now I have a small vision or idea of what Apple might do for the next version.

Apple has looked at improving the Siri feature on their iPhone, while Google is looking to find an innovative idea to try to help them compete with Apple. There has been reports out there that they have looked at a method of paying through a smartphone. " As Apple continues to improve Siri, Google, the maker of the Android phone operating system, improves on its voice search products. Google and some of its mobile phone partners have also moved toward replacing the credit card with the smartphone using a technology called near-field communications that lets users make payments wirelessly at cash registers." This "new" technology would really help Google in their efforts to be able to compete with Apple and their products.

The recent slow down in smartphone technology does not mean that the new ideas have stopped, this only means that the development has only slowed down. It will be interesting to see what Apple and the other players in the smartphone industry will release in the future.

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