Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Microsoft Surface

The Microsoft Surface is a new and cool product that is taking the industry by storm, or at least plans on to. The Microsoft Surface is a mixture of an iPad as well as a laptop, being able to use the product in multiple ways is what makes this product very unique. Being able to type on a keyboard when they want as well as being able to walk around and use a touch screen for other services. Some complaints would be the fact that an iPad is hard to type on and it is something that they want to be able to fix the developing issue. What I find to be interesting is the market reaction to this product, since it is a Microsoft tablet/laptop I wonder if it would have as much success as if Apple came out with a similar product. Only time will tell if this product will be only that attracts the market in several positive ways. This debate will continue for a long time but if I had the option to buy a product such as this one I might consider it just because it looks like a a product that would be very efficient to use. Being able to use it for multiple things would also be a strong advantage but in the end Microsoft is really going all out to try to close the gap with its highly feared competitor, Apple. Apple and Microsoft have been competitors in  this industry for a very long time, since Apple is way ahead of Microsoft, Microsoft is putting all their eggs into this basket. They cannot continue to go on if Apple is coming out with superior products. The last PC I have had was a freshman in college, my computer only lasted 3 years because of its poor quality. I have had a Mac for nearly a year and a half now and it has been one of the greatest investments I have ever made. With this in mind, I believe that several potential customers think and act the same way as I do. Whether or not this is true or not is still uncertain but in the end that is my opinion.

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